Photography workshop boosts skills of CPAf staff, CIMRC members

The Committee on Information, Media Relations, and Communication (CIMRC) and the Knowledge Management Office (KMO) of the College of Public Affairs and Development (CPAf) teamed up with the College of Development Communication (CDC) to organize a photography training-workshop.

The “Looking Through the Lens: A Training-Workshop on Event Photography” was held on August 15, 2023 at the Development Integrated Policy Laboratory (DIPLab), Center for Strategic Planning and Policy Studies (CSPPS), CPAf, UPLB.

In her opening remarks, Ms. Dhanicca M. Domingo, University Researcher and CIMRC Head welcomed the resource persons and the 16 participants to the training-workshop. She highlighted that the primary aim of the training-workshop was to enhance the photography documentation skills of CIMRC members within the College. However, the event was also open to all interested faculty, research, and administrative staff.

The training-workshop covered lecture topics accompanied by demonstration on camera parts and functions, visual elements in photography, principles of photographic composition, and various tips and tricks for event photography. Participants had the opportunity to apply their learnings through hands-on activities and photo presentations.

Mr. Elijah Jesse M. Pine, Ms. Renz Frances D. Abagat-Manrique, Mr. Mario B. Maningas, and Mr. John Anthony D. Mendoza served as speakers and facilitators for the training-workshop.

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University Researcher 1 at Knowledge Management Office, CPAf-UPLB