Community Development
The Community Development course prepares individuals to take on the challenge of empowering local communities to develop effective strategies for identifying community goals and maximizing their assets to achieve these goals. It builds both practical and analytical skills to address these challenges. Blending theory and practice, the program enables students to better understand complex linkages between local action and the processes of policy making at various levels. Students learn to critically examine the complex roles and effectiveness of local institutions in community development. The course of study allows students to employ and critique traditional and emerging community strategies and tools.
Program Requirements
- Core courses (minimum of 12 units)
- Research specialization courses (minimum of 10 units)
- Cognate courses (minimum of 9 units)
- Thesis (6 units)
CED 232 |
Advanced Social Psychology |
3 |
CED 220 / AERS 265 |
Sociology of Education1 / Sociology of Development2 |
3 |
AERS 282 |
Social Research Design |
3 |
STAT 166 / CED 291 |
Statistics for the Social Sciences / Special Topics |
3 |
1 Required for MS in Agricultural Education program
2 Required for MS in Community Development and Extension Education programs
Required Courses (7 units)
CED 250 |
Community Development |
3 |
CED 252 |
Planning and Administration of Community Development |
3 |
CED 299 |
Graduate Seminar |
1 |
Elective Courses (3 units)
CED 246 |
Evaluation in Rural Development |
3 |
CED 253 |
Comparative Local Government |
3 |
AGRI 261 |
Social and Cultural Change |
3 |
Cognate Courses |
9 |
CED 300 |
Master’s Thesis |
6 |
CORE COURSES (minimum 12 units)
CED 232. Advanced Social Psychology
Description: Issues in social perception, cognition, social influence and social relationships.
Number of Units: 3
Semester Offered: Second Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
CED 220. Sociology of Education
Description: Analysis of education as a factor in social change; the sociological significance of schools and other social institutions in rural development; social factors in the learning process.
Number of Units: 3
Semester Offered: Second Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
AERS 265. Sociology of Development
Description: Application of sociological theories and concepts to the problems of development at the international, national, and local levels, with emphasis on operationally significant concepts derived from current research and development experience.
Number of Units: 3
Semester Offered: First Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
AERS 282. Social Research Design
Description: Methods of social research with emphasis on the major steps in the design and conduct of social research from problem definition to analysis, interpretation and write-up of research report.
Number of Units: 3
Semester Offered: First and Second Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
STAT 166. Statistics for the Social Sciences
Description: Test of hypothesis; non-parametric tests; analysis of one-way and two-way classification data; measures of association and relationships; introduction to multivariate techniques, factor analysis and time series analysis; sampling.
Number of Units: 3
Semester Offered: First and Second Semester
Prerequisite: STAT 1
CED 291. Special Topics
Number of Units: 4
Semester Offered: First and Second Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
Required Courses (7 units)
CED 250. Community Development
Description: Philosophy, principles, and problems of community development in the Philippines.
Number of Units: 3
Semester Offered: First Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
CED 252. Planning and Administration of Community Development
Description: Features of community development programs in the Philippines, their organization, administrative planning, interrelationship with the local government units, financing, personnel administration, field execution, and evaluation.
Number of Units: 3
Semester Offered: First and Second Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
CED 299. Graduate Seminar
Number of Units: 1
Semester Offered: First and Second Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
Elective Courses (3 units)
CED 246. Evaluation in Rural Development
Description: The nature, principles, and role of evaluation in vocational agriculture education, extension education and community development; selection, construction, and use of evaluation devices.
Number of Units: 3
Semester Offered: First and Second Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
CED 253. Comparative Local Government
Description: Organization, management, and finance of local rural government in selected high-income and low-income countries, including the relationship between level of government and the alternative to local autonomy.
Number of Units: 3
Semester Offered: First Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
AERS 261. Social and Cultural Change
Description: Theories and models of social and cultural change, with emphasis on technology and social change, particularly problems related to the acceptance and diffusion of innovation in agriculture and other areas.
Number of Units: 3
Semester Offered: First and Second Semester
Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
Cognate Courses
Number of Units: Minimum of 9 units
CED 300. Master’s Thesis
Number of Units: 6
Semester Offered: First Semester, Second Semester, and Midyear
Prerequisite: None
Director, Institute for Governance and Rural Development
College of Public Affairs and Development
Domingo M. Lantican Avenue, University of the Philippines Los Baños
College, Laguna 4031 Philippines
- [email protected]
- (+63 49) 536-0407
- (+63 967) 361-3585