The Governance Research and Extension Activities for Better Lives and Sustainable Development (GoRABeLS) research & extension framework of CPAf
Enhancing Organic Agricultural Inputs Sector from a Policy Lens: Insights from Rice and Vegetable Producing Regions
Building More Climate Change Resilient Fishing Communities: Focus on the ICARE4Fishers Initiative
Managing Groundwater Resources for Sustainable Agriculture
Enhancing the Resilience of Indigenous Peoples Through a Climate-Smart Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plan
Gearing Up Sustainable Agriculture with Organic Farming for the Global Market
Preparing for the Adverse Impacts of Projected Climate Change: The Case of Santa Ignacia, Tarlac
Overcoming the Challenges of Projected Climate Change Impacts: The Case of Tarlac City, Tarlac
Exploring the Potential Benefits of Climate Change: The Case of San Fabian, Pangasinan
Seizing Potential Opportunities Climate Change may Bring: The Case of Sison, Pangasinan
An open access and double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is published bi-annually by the College of Public Affairs and Development (CPAf), University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB).
An annual publication of the College of Public Affairs and Development (CPAf), University of the Philippines Los Baños. It banners the academic programs, research projects and outputs, and public service engagements of the College.
The Institute for Governance and Rural Development (IGRD) handles academic programs that deal with the discourse on rural development studies, community development, extension and agricultural education, development management and governance, and policy studies using integrative and transdisciplinary approaches. Using the core principles of sound governance, IGRD academic programs explore what good governance means in different rural development contexts, not only in the Philippines but also in the Asia Pacific region. Students are encouraged to link the conceptual and theoretical principles of rural development studies and governance to the world of everyday practice. IGRD aims to build capacities of leaders in local governments, communities, business and public organizations.
The IGRD aims to:
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