Development Studies
Academic Programs
The PhD in Development Studies (DVST) is a problem-oriented, holistic field of study utilizing inter-, cross-, multi-, and transdisciplinary approaches.
With applied social sciences as the loci of disciplines, combined with various technical fields, DVST tackles development issues such as food security, natural resource management, population, gender and development, and agrarian and rural development—areas that will support the distinctive excellence of UPLB in agriculture, forestry and the environment.
DVST prepares graduates to view the world in a more integrative manner.
Areas of Specialization
- Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security (AFNS)
- Agrarian and Rural Development Studies (ARDS)
- Education and Development (ED)
- Natural Resource Management (NRM)
- Population, Gender and Development Studies (PGDS)
Program Goals
- Articulate systems thinking and apply this to development issues;
- Explain development theories and frameworks and apply these to development planning and governance;
- Analyze power relations;
- Integrate basic and applied sciences and the technical and social dimensions of development issues;
- Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate development programs and processes;
- Conduct development-oriented research;
- Generate practice-informed theories on development issues; and
- Demonstrate ethics and values of development practice.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to the program must:
- Have a Masters degree or a Master of Science degree in the Social Sciences or related fields;
- Be a development practitioner, with at least two years experience in development work or development research;
- Must have a development research problem proposal upon application.
Program Requirements
- Core courses (12 units)
- Area of specialization (12 units)
- Cognate courses (12 units)
- Graduate seminar (1 unit)
- Dissertation (12 units)
Course Title | Units | Semester Offered | Prerequisite | |
DVST 301 | Development Theories and Frameworks | 3 | First Semester | Consent of Instructor |
DVST 302 | Development Practice | 3 | Second Semester | DVST 301 |
DVST 303 | Mixed Methods Research for Development Studies | 3 | First and Second Semester | STAT 166 and a qualitative course |
SPPS 272 | Science, Technology and Development | 3 | First and Second Semester | Consent of Instructor |
Education and Development
Course Title | Units | Semester Offered | Prerequisite | |
CED 301 | Philosophical Perspectives in Education and Politics | 3 | First and Second Semester | Consent of Instructor |
CED 302 | Curriculum Development and Evaluation | 3 | First and Second Semester | Consent of Instructor |
CED 303 | Economics of Education for Development | 3 | First and Second Semester | ECON 102 or Consent of Instructor |
CED 304 | International Comparative Education | 3 | First and Second Semester | Consent of Instructor |
CED 215 | Educational Leadership and Administration | 3 | First and Second Semester | None |
CED 217 | Educational Planning | 3 | First and Second Semester | None |
CED 220 | Sociology of Education | 3 | First and Second Semester | None |
CED 227 | Administrative Theory | 3 | First and Second Semester | None |
EDRE 201 | Methods in Educational Research (UP Diliman) | 3 | First and Second Semester | Consent of Instructor |
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security
Course Title | Units | |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | ||
MBB 292 | Biotech and Society | 3 |
MBB 295 | Environmental Biotech | 3 |
MBB 224 | Biotech of Soil-Microbe-Plant Interactions | 3 |
Food Safety | ||
VPH 228 | Environmental Sanitation in Animal Industries | 3 |
VPH 220 | Veterinary Public Health Consideration in Foods of Animal Origin | 3 |
DSC 240 | Quality Control of Milk Products | 3 |
Food and Nutrition Planning | ||
HNF 251 | Ecology of Food and Nutrition | 3 |
HNF 252 | Food and Nutrition Planning | 3 |
HNF 223 | Evaluation of Nutrition Status | 3 |
HNF 254 | Nutrition Programs | 3 |
AECO 261 | Food and Nutrition Economics | 3 |
Production System and the Supply Chain Analysis | ||
ABM 241 | Agricultural Production Management | 3 |
ABM 205 | Agribusiness Management | 3 |
MGT 251 | Marketing Management | 3 |
AECO 220 | Economics of Agricultural Marketing | 3 |
AECO 320 | Organization and Performance of Agricultural Markets | 3 |
DMG 225 | Governance of Food Systems | 3 |
Agrarian and Rural Development Studies
Course Title | Units | |
Agrarian Studies | ||
AECO 250 | Agriculture and Economic Development | 3 |
AECO 251 | Agricultural Programs for Economic Development | 3 |
AGRS 211 | Economics of Agrarian Reform | 3 |
AGRS 221 | Legislation and Administration of Agrarian Reform Programs | 3 |
AECO 250 | Agriculture and Economic Development | 3 |
COST 202 | Organization and Management of Cooperatives | 3 |
COST 203 | Cooperative Legislation | 3 |
AECO 230 | Advanced Agricultural Finance | 3 |
Rural Studies | ||
CED 244 | Comparative Analysis of Extension Approaches | 3 |
CED 246 | Evaluation in Rural Development | 3 |
CED 248 | Participatory Extension | 3 |
CED 365 | Rural Transitions | 3 |
DM 223 | Project Development and Management | 3 |
DM 230 | Planned Change in Development | 3 |
ENS 220 | Institutions and the Environment | 3 |
AERS 261 | Social and Cultural Change | 3 |
SOC 205 | Formal Organizations | 3 |
Natural Resources Management
Course Title | Units | |
Plant Genetic Management and Conservation | ||
PGR 261 | Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Plants | 3 |
PGR 262 | Plant Genetic Resources Conservation | 3 |
PGR 263 | Plant Genetic Resources Documentation and Information Management | 3 |
Forest Management | ||
SFFG 201 (Formerly SF 201) | Comparative Social Forestry | 3 |
SFFG 212 (Formerly SF 212) | Program Development and Evaluation in Social Forestry | 3 |
SFFG 220 (Formerly FRM 229) | Public Administration of Forest Resources | 3 |
SFFG 287 | Conflict Management in Forestry | 3 |
Soil Management | ||
SOIL 260 | Environment and Land Use | 3 |
AENG 243 | Soil and Water Conservation | 3 |
AGRI 211 | Design and Assessment of Farming Systems | 3 |
AGRI 221 | Advanced Ecological Agriculture | 3 |
Water Management | ||
AENG 240 | Advanced Water Resources Planning | 3 |
AENG 242 | Water Management | 3 |
AENG 243 | Soil and Water Conservation | 3 |
AENG 244 | Groundwater Hydrology | 3 |
Watershed Management | ||
ENS 202 | Landscape Ecology | 3 |
FRM 252 | Advanced Watershed Management | 3 |
AENG 240 | Advanced Water Resource Planning | 3 |
ENS 270 | Population, Resources and the Environment | 3 |
ENS 236 | Earth System Science and Global Environmental Change | 3 |
Climate Risk Management | ||
DMG 224 | Governance Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation | 3 |
AGME 260 | Tropical Agro-meteorology | 3 |
AECO 210 | Advanced Production Economics | 3 |
ECO 211 | Advanced Farm Management | 3 |
Population, Gender and Development Studies
Course Title | Units | |
Women and Development | ||
SOC 265 | Gender and the Environment | 3 |
SOC 201 | Women and Development Theories (To be borrowed from UP Diliman) | 3 |
Population and Development | ||
SOC 240 | Population Dynamics | 3 |
SOC 245 | Demographic Methods | 3 |
SOC 260 | Technology Assessment and Impact Analysis | 3 |
ENS 270 | Population, Resources and the Environment | 3 |
ENS 220 | Institutions and the Environment | 3 |
Cognate courses constitute 12 units of the DVST student’s required 49 units. The courses should be taken from at least two domains with at least two courses from each domain.
Course Title | Units | |
Strategic Planning and Policy Studies | ||
DM 220 | Public Policy and Program Administration | 3 |
SPPS 202 | Methods of Policy Analysis | 3 |
SPPS 232 | Science and Technology Policy Analysis | 3 |
SPPS 221 | Social Policies and the Disadvantaged Groups | 3 |
SFFG 220 | Public Administration of Forest Resources | 3 |
SFFG 212 | Program Development and Evaluation in Social Forestry | 3 |
ENS 221 | Environmental and Natural Resource Policy Formulation | 3 |
SFFG 224 | Alternative Theories and Methods of Policy Analysis in Natural Resources | 3 |
DEVC 220 | Communication Policies and Planning | 3 |
SPPS 201 | Strategic Planning: Theory and Methods | 3 |
DMG 245 | Local Development Planning | 3 |
PLAN 201 | Theory and Practice of Planning (to be borrowed from UPD) |
3 |
PLAN 214 | Planning Analysis and Techniques (to be borrowed from UPD) |
3 |
Economics | ||
AECO 220 | Economics of Agricultural Marketing | 3 |
AECO 241 | Economic Analysis and Planning of Agricultural Projects | 3 |
AECO 240 | Natural Resource Economics | 3 |
AECO 250 | Agriculture and Economic Development | 3 |
AECO 251 | Agricultural Programs for Economic Development | 3 |
ECON 275 | Economic Valuation of Resource and Environmental Systems | 3 |
ECON 271 | Advance Resource Economics | 3 |
ECON 241 | International Trade and Commercial Policies | 3 |
ECON 285 | Development Economics | 3 |
ECON 251 | Public Sector Economics | 3 |
ECON 202 | Microeconomic Theory I | 3 |
ECON 201 | Macroeconomic Theory I | 3 |
CED 224 | Economics of Education | 3 |
FRM 227 | Economic Analysis of Forest Policy | 3 |
Development Communication | ||
DEVC 205 | Communication and Development | 3 |
DEVC 262 | Communication Research | 3 |
DEVC 215 | Communication and Culture | 3 |
Development Management and Governance | ||
LGD 210 | Governance and Development | 3 |
LGD 213 | Local Fiscal Management | 3 |
AERS 265 | Sociology of Development | 3 |
Political Science | ||
POLSCI 260 | International Political Economy (to be borrowed from UP Diliman) | 3 |
PAf 201 | Political Economy in Public Affairs | 3 |
Sociology | ||
SOC 212 | Sociology of Power | 3 |
SOC 240 | Population Dynamics | 3 |
Community Education Comparative and International Education (to be borrowed from UP Diliman) | ||
CED 202 | Theory and Practice of Community Education | 3 |
CED 224 | Economics of Education | 3 |
Director, Institute for Governance and Rural Development
College of Public Affairs and Development
Domingo M. Lantican Avenue, University of the Philippines Los Baños
College, 4031 Laguna, Philippines
- [email protected]
- (+63 49) 536-0407
- (+63 967) 361-3585